We’ve all been there. Those moments when it feels like we’re treading water, unable to move forward, and feeling stuck in a rut.
It’s a frustrating place to be!
I’ve found that a few powerful words can make a world of difference in those moments. Here are 7 of my favorite mantras to help you navigate those stuck moments and find your way forward.
Plus, I’ll share how you can incorporate these mantras into your journaling practice for an extra boost.
7 Mantras For When You’re Feeling Stuck
1. “This Too Shall Pass”
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself that everything is temporary. This moment of feeling stuck is just that — a moment. Write this mantra in your journal and reflect on past challenges you’ve overcome. Seeing how far you’ve already come can remind you that you’re capable of moving past this too.
2. “Progress, Not Perfection”
Perfectionism can be a major roadblock. Remind yourself that progress is what truly matters, no matter how small it may seem. Baby steps count! And as Confucius said: It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Use this mantra as a header in your journal and list the small steps you’ve taken toward your goals. Celebrate these wins — they’re all part of the journey.
3. “I Am Capable of Change”
Sometimes, feeling stuck is rooted in a belief that you can’t change your circumstances. Repeat this mantra to yourself daily. Jot it down in your journal and list small changes you’ve made in the past that have had a big impact. This will reinforce your belief in your ability to change and grow.
4. “I Trust the Process”
Trusting the process means having faith in your journey, even when you can’t see the end result. So when you feel stuck, trust that it’s a normal part of the process and that you will get unstuck. Reflect in your journal on the times when trusting the process has led you to unexpected and wonderful outcomes.
5. “I Am in Control of My Attitude”
While you can’t always control your circumstances or the things that happen, you can control your attitude and reactions. Write this mantra in your journal and list ways you can shift your mindset. Think about activities or thoughts that help you stay positive and motivated and aim to incorporate them more into your week.
6. “I Am Grateful for the Present Moment”
Gratitude can transform your outlook. Even when you’re feeling stuck, there are things to be grateful for. Start a gratitude section in your journal and add this mantra to it. Each day, write down a few things you’re thankful for to remind yourself of the positives in your life.
7. “I Believe in Myself”
Self-doubt can often be paralyzing and keep you from moving forward. To overcome it, reinforce your self-belief with this powerful mantra. Write it at the top of your journal page each day. Reflect on your strengths and past achievements. This practice can help boost your confidence and get you moving forward again.
Remember, these mantras are tools to help you shift your mindset and break free from feeling stuck. Incorporate them into your journaling practice and watch how they can transform your outlook and inspire movement in your life. You’ve got this!
Happy journaling!
Save this inspiration!

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